Plain Invasion is a private gathering of military enthusiasts and owners for the
purpose of enjoying each others company and for the driving of the vehicles on public highways, designated private land and
public tracks in the area of Salisbury Plain.
All vehicles should have a minimum of third party insurance as demanded by law, MOT where
applicable and be fully roadworthy. You should note that whilst on private land your current insurance may not cover you and
you are advised to seek additional insurance that covers off road activity and covers your camping equipment or other participants,
person or equipment. By signing this form you are certifying that the foregoing requirements are met for all vehicles listed
The field we are using for our base camp, have kindly been let by the owner on the basis
that they accept no responsibility or liability whatsoever for damage or injury to person or property. Whilst the ground itself
will not be regarded by the owner as being damaged by our activities, if damage to trees, fences, gates, hedgerows, buildings,
property or person occurs, then it will be the full responsibility of the perpetrator(s) to make personal restitution or compensation.
You should note that you are responsible and liable for your own actions and for those minors
in your charge and ensure sensible, considerate and safe behaviour at all times. You take part in the Plains 2014 weekend
entirely at your own risk.
Members of the Plain Invasion team who volunteer take on responsibility for your personnel
I hereby agree to the Team’s jurisdiction in all matters
concerning Plain Invasion 2014. & do hereby agree to abide by any rules and instructions issued by the Team and comply
with all safety regulations imposed by them.